
The following planning applications have been received by the Parish Council for review. For information links to Staffordshire Moorlands District Council’s planning portal are posted here for ease of access.

If you wish to view or comment on a particular application, use the portal link on each individual application’s page. The Parish Council will provide its own comments, taking into consideration any views parishioners expressed either to the clerk or a councillor.

SMD/2022/0635 – Springs Cottage, Thorney Edge Road, Bagnall: Variation of Condition 4 on SMD/2018/0061

SMD/2023/0055 – Greenway Cottage, Bagnall Road, Bagnall: Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed use of property as residential care home (Class C2) for up to 2 children aged between 5 and 18 with care provided by up to three non resident members of staff (no material difference with lawful use as Class C3 dwelling)

SMD/2023/0073 – Woodhead Farm, Woodhead Lane, Light Oaks: Conversion of existing barns into 3no residential dwellings

SMD/2023/0065 – Kerry Hill Farm, Eaves Lane, Armshead: Change of use from agricultural field currently used as grazing land for horses to use as a dog exercise field. The area of development will utilise a previously fenced paddock used for grazing of horses which will result in no physical changes to existing boundary hedges and fences which have been in place for agricultural purposes for the past 40 years